Direct debit export
The direct debit export interface exports all customers that require a direct debit payment to be deducted from their bank account.
The direct debit export file needs to be loaded or entered into your banking facility.
A direct debit export file is produced to the "Interfaces\Direct Debit Export" folder at 8am each day with a copy also place in the "Interfaces\Direct Debit Export\Archive" folder.
This interface can also be manually run at any time from the Run Scheduled Tasks screen.
What's in the file
Overnight each night Utilmate selects:
- Any customers with bank account or credit card details populated and a payment method of DIRECT or CRDCARD and an invoice due date today or in the last 5 days. It will create a direct debit receipt for the closing balance of the invoice and include the customer in the direct debit export file.
- Any customers with bank account or credit card details populated and a payment method of DIRECT or CRDCARD and a smoothpay plan set-up with a payment due in the last 5 days. It will create a direct debit receipt for the smoothpay amount and include the customer in the direct debit export file.
File Format
The direct debit export isn't in a format required by any specific financial institution. It's a generic file format containing:
- the body corp name, bsb and account number is that of the body corporate if the customer is paying directly to their bank acocunt
- the amount is either the customer's amount due on their invoice due date or a fixed smoothpay amount
- the bank account is that of the customer
- the credit card is that of the customer
Once the day's file has been processed, it is a good idea to delete the file from the Interfaces\Direct Debit Export folder. A copy is in the archive folder.
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