Basic meter data import interface
The basic meter data interface imports basic (also known as deemed, dial or accumulation data) in a generic file format.
The "Interfaces\Basic Meter Data Import" folder is polled at 12pm each day.
- If the file is successfully processed it is placed in "Interfaces\Basic Meter Data Import\Archive".
- If it is not able to be processed it is placed in the "Interfaces\Basic Meter Data Import\Error" folder with an error file explaining why.
This interface can also be manually run at any time from the Scheduled Tasks screen.
File Format
A simple or advance file format can be used with this interface. For either file it must be a CSV file.
A simple file must have the following columns (Bold = Mandatory):
site_identifier - the site identifier must be a valid site identifier in Utilmate. If a site cannot be found, the file will error with an error message explaining the site cannot be found.
meter_code - the meter code and register must be ACTIVE for the site in Utilmate. If a meter and register cannot be found for the site, the file will error with an error message explaining the meter cannot be found.
meter_read - must be numeric with any "," separators for thousands removed.
read_date - the read date must be a valid date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
audit_notes - Any meter reader or other notes you would like stored against the meter read.
In addition to the column above, an advanced file can also have the following columns:
Estimate Read - Must be Y or N to indicate if the read is an estimated meter read.
Next Scheduled Read Date - On some invoices the next scheduled read date is shown for the customer. This can be entered as DD/MM/YYYY
temperature Factor- for gas meters a temperature factor is required to convert mJ to kWh.
CV Factor - for gas meters a temperature factor is required to convert mJ to kWh.
Once imported the meter reads will appear in the Import Meter Reads screen for further validation and processing.
See below sample meter read import file.
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