Charges import interface
The charges interface allows the bulk import of charges, which can all be loaded into Utilmate and applied to the customer account. This interface is useful for scenarios where you wish to apply an charges to a large group of customers. This interface is typically used as required to import the required charges.
The "Interfaces\Charges Import" folder is polled when the import process is run (it isn't normally a scheduled interface).
- If the file is successfully processed it is placed in "Interfaces\Charges Import\Archive".
- If it is not able to be processed it is placed in the "Interfaces\Charges Import\Error" folder with an error file explaining why.
This interface can also be manually run at any time from the Scheduled Tasks screen.
File Format
Must be a CSV file with the following columns (Bold = Mandatory):
account_number - the account number must be a valid account number in Utilmate. If an account number cannot be found, the file will error with an error message explaining the account number that cannot be found.
charge_group_code - the charge group and charge item code must be valid groups and item codes in Utilmate. If a charge group or charge item code (within that group) cannot be found, the file will error with an error message 'Charge Item does not exist for Charge Group'.
The default charge group is STANDARD.
Charge groups include optional link to a specific Network. This allows, for example, unique Disconnection Fees as required.
charge_item_code - charge items are configurable for each instance of Utilmate. However, this is a list of the most common charge groups and item codes.
Charge Group Code | Charge Item Code | Description |
STANDARD | ADMIN | Admin fee |
STANDARD | CONN | Connection fee |
STANDARD | DISC | Disconnection fee |
STANDARD | POST_FEE | Postage fee |
STANDARD | CUSTDISC | Customer discount |
STANDARD | CSDISCNTAX | Customer Discount No Tax |
STANDARD | MTRCST | Meter costs |
STANDARD | MTRDTAGNCY | Meter data agency fee |
STD_NETWORK | DISC | Network Disconnection fee |
charge_date - the charge date must be a valid date in DD/MM/YYYY format. It can be in the future, but will not be invoiced until this date.
charge_amount - the charge amount can be a positive or negative value. Ensure any $ or "," thousand separators are removed.
invoice_desc - If this is left blank, the default invoice description for the charge item will apply.
approved - If approved is set to "Y" the charge will automatically approve ready for the next invoice for the customer. If approved is set to "N" the charge will appear in the Charge, Receipt and Adjustment Approval Screen for an approval.
recurring - If recurring is set to "Y" the frequency, start date and end date columns must be set. A recurring charge happens periodically based on the frequency set.
frequency - The frequency can be one of D (Daily), W (Weekly), F (Fortnightly), M (Monthly), Q (Quarterly), A (Annually).
start_date - the start date for recurring charges to apply.
end_date - the end date for recurring charges to apply.
site_identifier - the site identifier is optional. If populated and cannot be found for the account number, the file will error with an error message explaining the site cannot be found.
See below sample Charges import file.
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