Meter import interface
The meters interface is used to import the details of (potentially) large numbers of meters. It's typically done shortly after loading a CAF file. The meters interface can also be used to bulk remove meters that already exist in Utilmate.
The "Interfaces\Meters Import" folder is polled at 12pm each day.
- If the file is successfully processed it is placed in "Interfaces\Meters Import\Archive".
- If it is not able to be processed it is placed in the "Interfaces\Meters Import\Error" folder with an error file explaining why.
This interface can also be manually run at any time from the Scheduled Tasks screen in the Utilmate CRM.
Must be a CSV file with the following columns (Bold = Mandatory):
site_identifier - the site identifier must be a valid site identifier in Utilmate. If a site cannot be found, the file will error with an error message explaining the site cannot be found.
meter_code - the meter code and register must not already exist for the site.
mtr_srial - the meter code and meter serial are normally populated as the same value. For an advanced meter, the import process will automatically update the meter code to E1 etc.
meter_type_code - the meter type code must be one of ALLDAY, PEAK, OFFPEAK, SHOULDER, DEMAND, IMPORT1_01, COLD, HOT, STDGAS.
multiplier - default is 1
meter_status_code - The meter status code must be either ACTIVE or INACTIVE. You can use the meter_status_code to change an existing meter from ACTIVE to INACTIVE (e.g. when the meter is removed).
direction_indicator - the direction indicator must be E (Export from the grid) or I (Import to the grid) eg solar meters are I, all others are E.
removed_date - required if the meter status is set to INACTIVE. This is ignored where the meter does not currently exist as the system assumes a new meter is to be created. Matching is done on columns site_identifier, meter_code, multiplier and mtr_srial
meter_read - you can use the meter_read and read_date columns to add an ACTUAL meter read against the meter. This is intended to add opening or closing reads for a meter as it is being removed or added.
read_date - you can use the meter_read and read_date columns to add an ACTUAL meter read against the meter. This is intended to add opening or closing reads for a meter as it is being removed or added.
meter_reader_code - when populated you must use a valid meter reader code
See below sample meter import file. The second sample file is a meter removal import file.
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