Search - screen options
There are three search options at the top of the search screen. Search view and building view screens are different ways of viewing search results and recent is the 10 customers you've viewed recently.
Search screen
Utilmate is a relational system with the following key concepts:
- A contact is a person. They are related to one or many customer accounts.
- A customer is an entity responsible for paying the bill. It could be a person, couple or business.
- A site is a physical apartment/unit/house.
- An account is a customer who has moved into a site. A site may have many customers move into it over time as people move in and out.
In the search view screen you can click on the contact, customer, and site records and see what is related to it:
- If you click on the contact, you'll see all the customers they are related to.
- If you click on a customer, you'll see all their contacts and sites.
- If you click on a site, you'll see all the customers that have moved in/out of the site.
Building view screen
The building view is another way of viewing your search results. Rather than seeing the results as contact, customers, and site, customers are displayed by building.
Select the building from the drop-down list.
Customers are displayed at the top level. Click the down arrow to expand the view, so that previous customer accounts are displayed.
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